Team – LIMS Consulting
Beginning with one person, the LIMS Consulting division developed within a short period of time into a strong pillar within Ulysta. In the meantime, the team has grown to 8 very experienced employees, and the trend is still rising. In addition to our software developers, we have many years of practical laboratory experience. We speak “laboratory”, not just “software”. This enables us to quickly grasp the requirements of our customers and their complexity and to integrate them in the best possible way into the entire functionality of the LIMS in order to generate the maximum benefit for our customers. We are mainly active in the pharmaceutical industry and thus, the consideration of the highest requirements and standards is part of our daily work.

In addition, we design, develop and implement new modules for the SampleManager LIMS on behalf of Thermo Fisher Scientific, some of them have already been so convincing that they have been imported into standard. We are very proud of this acknowledgement for our work.

Our strengths:

    • Combination of experience in development and practical laboratory work
    • Comprehensive in-depth product know-how
    • Fast apprehension of new processes and procedures
    • Intuitive integration of the new requirements into the existing product

Result: Achievement of the best possible benefits for our customers in a short time


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